There are plenty of reasons why you may want to visit your dentist, and experiencing any kind of oral pain should definitely be one of them. When you experience any kind of tooth aches or pains, the cause is likely to be decay or infection, so it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately. It may be an infect root canal, especially if the pain is severe. If you end up needed root canal therapy, then our dentist Dennis Block can provide you with a Ridgewood root canal that will aim to solve the issue and save your dental health.
A root canal can be tricky to treat, which is why it helps to see a specialist who is very experienced in the area. An infected root canal is a bit like a cavity in the sense that it is caused by decay. A cavity forms when plaque begins to create an acidic reaction and eats away at the tooth enamel. Over time, enough tooth enamel has been eaten away that a hole, or a cavity, forms. An infected tooth root however is an infection of the root pulp, which is the center of the tooth where the nerve ending is located. Because the nerve ending of the tooth is located at the root, root canal infections tend to be more painful than cavities, which can sometimes go unnoticed or unfelt depending on the location. Here with our dentist, Dr. Dennis Block, you can get a Ridgewood root canal that will aim to resolve the issue and relieve you of pain. Dr. Block will remove any inflamed tissue along with the infected root pulp. After cleaning away what remains of the tooth from other decayed portions, Dr. Block will fill in what remains to prevent further infection or decay.
If you need a Ridgewood root canal, do not hesitate and call us here at the dental office of Dr. Dennis Block as soon as you can. The sooner you get root canal therapy, the sooner you can salvage your tooth, prevent further infection and decay of the tooth in question as well as adjacent teeth, and the sooner you can be relived of pain.
By Patient Friendly Dental
September 16, 2015