Pain in the a is often the result of decay, which has caused the roots of the tooth to become infected. When this occurs our endodontist in Ridgewood can alleviate the problem and help save the tooth with an endodontic treatment.
When a tooth is badly decayed through a cavity or has deep cracks and chips plaque and bacteria can infest the soft inner core of the tooth called the pulp, which runs all the way down to the tip of the roots. Normally the pulp is protected by a hard layer called the dentin, which itself is protected above the gum line by the tooth’s enamel and below the gum line by a bony layer called cementum. When the decay or cracks wear away these protective layers the pulp is vulnerable to infection and decay. Our endodontist in Ridgewood will perform a root canal procedure to remove the decayed pulp from the tooth in order to stop further decay and restore the tooth to its normal functionality. Our doctor will first numb the area around the tooth with a topical anesthetic and then administer a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the many nerves around it and in the root canal where the pulp is. During the procedure the patient should feel no pain just some slight pressure.
Once the tooth and surrounding area are numb our endodontist in Ridgewood will drill away part of the tooth’s crown to expose the roots. The dentist then uses miniature tools to remove the pulp from the root canals. A mature tooth can survive without pulp since it can get nourishment from the surrounding tissue. Once the pulp has been removed and the root canals have been cleaned and shaped they are sealed by with a rubber like material so that no re-contamination occurs. Lastly, a temporary filling is placed to further keep debris out; a crown that completes the restoration will replace the temporary filling. The restored tooth will look and function just like the original tooth. Without the endodontic procedure the tooth would likely have eventually been lost and may have caused a great deal of pain along the way. If you have pain in a tooth or a deep cavity let our dentists evaluate the problem before it gets worse.
By Patient Friendly Dental
March 26, 2019