As soon as you begin to experience oral pain, it is essential that you see a dental specialist as soon as you can, especially since this is considered a dental emergency. More severe forms of oral pain are often caused by root canal infections, in which case you will need to see an endodontist. If you happen to need Ridgewood root canal treatment, then our endodontist, Dr. Dennis Block is here to provide you with the root canal therapy that you need in order to resolve the issue and improve your dental health once more.
Root canal infections often share similar symptoms with cavities, though they tend to be far more severe. The oral pain associated with root canal infections often occur for the same reasons that cavities do, but they tend to be more intense because they also involve the inflammation of the nerve ending that is located at the root or the center of the tooth. This is why people who generally have a root canal infection tend to experience more persistent tooth aches and pains as a result. Here with the help of our endodontist, Dr. Dennis Block, you can have any root canals properly assessed and treated. Dr. Block specializes in preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry, but he also has the necessary experience needed to treat root canal infections. The reason why most people need to see an endodontist in this case is because endodontist have more experience dealing with root canal infection, which happened to be fairly delicate and difficult procedures to perform. Dr. Block has been providing the area with the best possible dental care for over 30 years, so he is certainly able to provide you with the comprehensive and process care that you need.
When it comes to getting treatment for Ridgewood root canal infections, you will definitely want to see Dr. Dennis Block. If you would like to learn more about our services or if you would like to book an appointment for a root canal therapy, then feel free to call our offices at your next earliest convenience.
By Patient Friendly Dental
October 3, 2016