Endodontist in Ridgewood
If you happen to be experiencing any kind of oral pain it is important that you see a dental health specialist as soon as you can. Sometimes, oral pain is a sign of a cavity, but in other cases it may be the sign of something a little more intense. An infected root canal is a bit like a cavity, but it is also different because it also involves the infection of the tooth root pulp which can tend to be a bit more painful than a common cavity. In the event that you happen to have an infected tooth root, it is important that you see an endodontist for root canal therapy and additional services that you may need in order to restore your dental health. If you happen to be in the market for an endodontist in Ridgewood, then you can contact us here at the dental offices of Dr. Dennis Block to schedule your appointment.
When it comes to infected root canals, the symptoms tend to be similar to cavities, albeit a bit more intensive. Just as a cavity may have symptoms such as tooth pain, tooth aches, and other general sensations of varying discomfort when eating or when open air hits the infected area, and infected root canal may be a bit more painful. This tends to be so because a nerve ending is located in the root canal which may cause additional sharp pains that a cavity may not create. So, while the symptoms of a cavity and an infected root canal maybe similar, they do tend to be different in the level of pain that is experienced in general. Regardless however, if you happen to be experiencing any kind of oral pain it is important that you see a dental health specialist as soon as you can so that they can diagnose the problem. If you happen to have an infected root canal, and you can visit our
endodontist in Ridgewood, Dr. Dennis Block. When it comes to treating infected root canals, you will need root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is a surgical procedure that involves removing inflamed tissue, the infected tooth root pulp and nerve ending, decayed tooth mass, and filling in the remaining area in order to ensure that decay does not occur again and that the rest of the tooth is salvaged. You will be given a localized anesthetic during this procedure in order to ensure your comfort throughout. In general, you will need to come in for an additional checkup in order to make sure that the procedure was entirely successful. If so, you may additionally need a dental crown or cap order to fully restore the shape of the tooth in question.
If you believe that you may have an infected root canal or if you know that you need root canal therapy, and it is important that you seek out the proper
endodontist in Ridgewood as soon as you can. You may be happy to know that you do not have to look any further than our local endodontist Dr. Dennis Block in order to get the comprehensive care and attention that you need.
By Patient Friendly Dental
January 19, 2016
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